1. Initial training of trainers (ToT) session

2. Reporting

3. Evaluation surveys for students and educators

4. Presentation materials

5. School posters


VIA implementation starts with a 2-hour training session.

This “Training of Trainers” session will be provided by Tyme Education.

Could you ask your trainer to prepare the session by filling the survey 

This survey gives access to our first digital badge (VIA Openbadge).

You will need to provide a list of participants before the session.

Can you also ask them to have a look at the VIA website

VIA reporting template

As provided for in the Agreement that you signed for the deployment of the VIA programme, you must produce various reports to assess the progress of the deployment in the field and the use of the grant assigned to you.

To help you in this process, you will find on this link a report template which summarizes the main objectives and the deployment plan of the VIA Programme. This model is meant to be used by all VIA partners around the world to have a common framework for evaluation and analysis.

Thank you for your support given to the VIA Programme for safe mobility for all young people.

Please complete this document and send it back by email along with the progress of the budget by completing the attached document.

You can find also the template on the website:

VIA evaluation surveys for students and educators

A brief evaluation of the program is requested by following the indications of the questionnaire accessible from the website

 We have greatly simplified the evaluation process by targeting:

- the educators of each school and your trainers

A simple questionnaire about the program - see educator questionnaire

- young people by focusing in each school on a sample of 20 young people; the answers are collected by the trainer and the totals are entered on the student questionnaire

You will need just a few minutes to answer this questionnaire by indicating only the number corresponding to the total of the answers of the young people whom you have questioned. The maximum number of students to be interviewed is 20 per school.

There are 4 questions for young people;

· How many students say they have a better understanding of the importance of safe mobility in their daily lives?

· How many students say they know better how to walk to school more safely?

· How many students want to participate in the VIA program next year?

· How many students would like to recommend the VIA program to a friend?

The pdf of the two questionnaires can be found on this link.

VIA presentation materials

To move forward with the implementation and help you with the presentation materials, we have templates for both VIA presentation leaflet and VIA poster.

Go here for models and sources in high resolution

These tools can be easily personalized and adapted to your local needs. Please take the attached documents as a supporting tool and not as a final version.

Adaptation is easy; can be done directly from the PDF using Acrobat Pro or from in design

- logos

- calendar

- changing the poster for your national winning poster in 2022

- changing eventually picture of young pedestrians from your country substituting the young indian girls

Please make sure you have the rights to use the photo for the cover page.

Find also here the link for all posters created in 2022 for the VIA FINALS

The website library is accessible from

VIA school posters

The VIA mission is to encourage and train young people to become  ambassadors of safe mobility so  they can be safer on their way to  school … and beyond. VIA gives young people a voice for improving their safety on their way to school and contributing to the well-being of their communities.

 The VIA  Creative competition allows young people  in every school to create posters  and present recommendations for addressing the safety of their schoolmates on their way to school.

 We recommend printing in A2 format (for instance on a 180 gr matte paper) the winning poster from every participating school and sending 10 copies to the school so that this poster becomes THEIR prevention tool. To this end we have created a template that will enhance the importance of the poster as a real prevention tool and not as a simple drawing. The investment is minimum and the result outstanding for the school and the community.

 See below one example for France.

We recommend to use the VIA logo and the Partner's logo, insert the name of the school, rewrite the slogan for clarity and erase any other mentions (such as name of the authors) as this poster becomes first and foremost the whole school's poster.

All information is to be found HERE and on our website

You can download templates from this page for both horizontal and vertical format.